
7. Creative Energy, The Force, and Inspiration

November 20, 2023 Raana Zia Season 1 Episode 7

In this episode I am going to discuss what creative energy is - from the energy that created the cosmos, to the energy you use to create in your life, to inspiration. It is important to understand that this is a conscious energy that works through you and every self-conscious being. This is The Force. I will discuss how this energy works and how to create using this energy.  

 The force that works through you allows you to manifest. Manifesting is not just mental and emotional alignment in order to create a desired outcome, it’s a journey of awakening. The true benefit of this knowledge is not just for physical reasons, it’s to connect with your higher self and soul. I’ll explain this more later in this podcast. 

 In this episode, I’ll also discuss what inspiration is and where it comes from. Inspiration is different than creative energy.  Being inspired means something is being given to you.  Where it comes from is beyond the third density mind.  I will discuss how to connect with your own inspiration for creative purposes.

 Lastly, I’ll touch upon what it means to be a creator.